So, something that I have taken on in the past few months has been sewing. I have never sewed before, well, except for in 8th grade- I made fleece pajama pants in home ec. I bought the thickest fleece and I couldn't ever wear them because they were so hot and they were so staticky they clung to my legs! My teacher's name was Mrs. Sleeva- ha! She was destined to be a sewing teacher. Anyway, she was the meanest teacher ever and her hair never moved (not that that has anything to do with her being mean). I remember being afraid to ask questions because she would just get so annoyed. So, I put my sewing practice away for a while, never really picked it up again after that class because I didn't enjoy it. Thanks a lot, Mrs. Sleeva. You are an inspiration, really.
I started to sew again a few months ago because for my arts theology class, we had to do a "creative project." I had wanted to try sewing, so I did that for my project and made this:
Ok, I had a little help from my grandmother! She taught me all the basics of sewing again and using my machine. I made the dress for my class, but also I wore it for my senior recital. It took several days to make, and Grandma Trudi spent more time on it than I even did after I left. It was a fun project, but I don't think I'll do it again any time soon! I did realize I could take on smaller projects- baby sized projects- (that's a hint) and feel like I can handle that all by myself, even with my limited skills.
So now that I gots my edumacation and I'm all gradiated and stuff, I have more time on my hands. I've been browsing through craft blogs, and let me tell you, there are some really creative people out there. I also stumbled across some food blogs and I just want to eat everything. Especially when I am up browsing late at night, my tummy really grumbles. Anyway, that's for another time. I've been getting inspiration from websites like Etsy and Craft Gossip, where they just link to crafter's blogs and write up a little blurb about a cool project a certain blogger has on their site. Very cool, and every time I check it there is something new. And this weekend I am going to an arts and crafts show in Philly! I am excited! I will get more inspiration there.
I got the pattern from this lovely blog: Thanks, tinyhappy!
Meanwhile, Samson and Delilah did this all day- yes literally, all day:
Look at my babies, oh how I love them. Samson on left, Delilah on right.
Ok, I will keep you in suspense until next time for my baby-sized projects. And no, this is not an announcement of any sorts! Sheesh, people!